Water Stories
Stories from the Maldivian coral reefs, the UK rivers and beaches, and the water conflicts around rivers of Colombia.

Cutting the Crap
Aletta Elizabeth Harrison, United Kingdom, 2023, 9’20’’
English cold-water swimmers campaign against the discharge of raw sewage into coastal waters.

Santo Domingo (San Francisco)
An exploration of water conflicts around the river Santo Domingo (San Francisco) in the Oriente region of the department of Antioquia, Colombia.

Islands of Our Own
Eefaa Hassan, United Kingdom, 2023, 9’53’’
The lives of two Maldivian individuals, both of whom are heavily invested in the country’s connection with its coral reefs.

Dormilón (San Luis)
An exploration of water conflicts around the river Dormilón (San Luis) in the Oriente region of the department of Antioquia, Colombia.

La Paloma (Argelia)
An exploration of water conflicts around the river La Paloma (Argelia) in the Oriente region of the department of Antioquia, Colombia.